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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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squiz (12 entries)
maker (7 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 25 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

25th July 2018
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe
Wind Direction: E
Wind Stength: 14/18
Surf / Sea State: lumpy
Air Temperature: 25
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Sunny and hot :)
Max Speed: 23.89 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 27.68 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 25th July – windsurf *** The Dip - Felixstowe – sunny and hot

F2 Xantos 295 with Tushingham Lightning 7.8

23.89 knot max., 22.14 knot ave., 12.54 knot hour, 19.74 knot mile, 51.30 km., 13.29 knot alpha.

A bit of a bonus session this afternoon as nothing was forecast although Saturday is now looking very promising if it holds? With Mag at the dentist and me dozing off watching the Tour de France live, nice scenery but a little boring I checked the Landguard weather station which showed it had increased to 15 knots at 3.50 so I hitched the trailer and headed to The Dip. It didn’t look windy on the water with the wind in the east and was surprised when my gauge was showing a good 17 mph so I took a chance with the 7.8 and Xantos 295 as I wanted to us the smallest kit possible. I left the beach at the same time as Ed Swain on 6.5 with David Coles arriving later using 7.8 with his foil while Mark Swain came and had a good sail with his 8.2. I was a bit under to start and my well worn 38 cm fin needs to be binned now as its not up to the job. I have worn the end away and was spinning out a lot so I changed to the 44 which was much better as I was struggling to get upwind especially with wind with tide:( I will be on the lookout for a better 40 cm fin which might add a knot to my speeds? The sea did get lumpy as the tide came in but that’s usual for Felixstowe and you had to be careful for a while as the old fort ruin was nearly exposed and always a good place to lose a fin! Not the best session I have ever had but OK fun for a couple of hours out in the sunshine, its been a good month so far with this being my 9th session covering 396 km. my second best month of the year so far and hopefully more to come:)

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Toys Used:
F2 Xantos 295 133
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
North Silverline 180/230
Mystic Yourizoon Shortie xl



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